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Great news!

We officially opened our second central kitchen on Monday, 7th September 2020. The kitchen is  built in partnership with The Dagoretti South Constituency CDF, at one of the local public primary schools.

The kitchen is set to feed an additional 20,000 children nutritious lunches everyday once schools reopen. A step closer to our goal of feeding 1,000,000 kids by 2025.

From the speakers throughout the day, there was an emphasis on how critical school feeding programmes will be in ensuring children are able to go back to school once schools reopen. It was also reiterated how important public and private partnerships are to ensure more kids are able to access nutritious lunches everyday.

The day in pictures

The kitchen was finally declared open.

A closer look inside the kitchen. We are using 100% clean energy.

The day would not have been a success without our incredible staff!

Lunch brought out all the smiles!